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    Question Hiya can anyone help me? Pain in my right shoulder

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    hiya about a month ago i started getting a real bad pain in my right shoulder..it hurt when i laughed and sneezed and stuff...just recently the pian has begun to move down slighty and is now just below my shoulder and starting to hurt in the middle of my chest (near the top)..im 19 and female...and it hurts mostly at night when im in bed...iv tryed taking ibruprofen and other tablets...at night when im sleeping i move about and turn round and stuff but iv been waking up in pain cos i cant move it hurts that bad..last night i used a hot water bottle and fell asleep wi it on me...i think the heat off the water bottle worked quite well...but im kinda worried bout this pain cos its really bad..my mum and dad want me 2 go 2 the doctors..but im scared ..can any 1 help??


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    Re: Hiya can anyone help me?

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    Quote Originally Posted by chezzy View Post
    hiya about a month ago i started getting a real bad pain in my right shoulder..it hurt when i laughed and sneezed and stuff...just recently the pian has begun to move down slighty and is now just below my shoulder and starting to hurt in the middle of my chest (near the top)..im 19 and female...and it hurts mostly at night when im in bed...iv tryed taking ibruprofen and other tablets...at night when im sleeping i move about and turn round and stuff but iv been waking up in pain cos i cant move it hurts that bad..last night i used a hot water bottle and fell asleep wi it on me...i think the heat off the water bottle worked quite well...but im kinda worried bout this pain cos its really bad..my mum and dad want me 2 go 2 the doctors..but im scared ..can any 1 help??

    I would really suggest you go to the doctor and get checked out, don't get yourself more stressed out by doing nothing. Your doctor will probably refer you to a physio anyway and that could take weeks and weeks....

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