
I've been having this problem for a long time now. I partially ruptured my ACL about 5 years ago. It was originally diagnosed as a simple contusion and I just got on with my life. But after the injury (that is about 4 and a half years ago) when I started playing football again, I would often get a pain in the tendon on the left side behind the knee that I injured. Then about 2 and a half years ago, I started to find it more difficult to simply walk and I went to see a physio to consult whereupon I learnt that I had a great deal of muscle wasting in my right leg (hamstring quads and calves), although I did rebuild quite a bit of that muscle back, a bone seems to have shifted in my knee and is now slightly sticking out the right side of my knee (this is only visible when I extend the knee fully). My main problem now is thta very often the pain in the tendon mentioned earlier pops up seemingly rather randomly and it prevents me from walking as it is a very sharp pain that is felt when I extend my knee and even more so if I extend it and put pressure on it. It goes away with varying degrees of rapidity (10 minutes to 2 days) but it is very handicapping as I always feel I have a damocles sword above my head and that it could come along at any moment. I have been to see several physios/doctors, and although they all agree I have partially ruptured my ACL and muscle wasting, nobody seems to know what this pain in the tendon behind my right knee is and I would welcome any input or similar experiences.

PS( I should also mention that in addition to the ACL problem I also have pieces of cartilage loose in my knee asd well as slight meniscal tear)

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