for the last 4 months I had this pain in my left leg, that starts in my left glute, and keeps changing location, sometimes in the hip, sometimes in the calf, sometimes on the back of thigh, but most of the times on the hip.
I'm 48 years old, I'm a postman, I walk a lot, and I run about twice a week, about 10 miles every run. The pain started in June, while I was walking during my shift at work. It become so bad that after a few days I had to ask to be put in a non walking position at work, because of the pain and also walking with a limp.
I rang my doctor, but because of covid, I couldn't go to his office, so after a 5 minutes phone chat, his diagnose was sciatica. I was given a set of 3 exercises to do 3 times a day, but it hasn't helped at all. I also rang a physiotherapist, that also didn't coudlnt see me in person, and he thought it was something to do with my hip. I was given another set of exercises that also didn't help at all.
The pain changes, not only in location on the leg, but also in intensity, depending on the day. Some days the pain is very mild and can walk without a limp (few times, though), sometimes the pain is so intense I can barely stand up for more than 2 minutes.
The pain is worse when standing up, but is a little better when walking. Sometimes I time myself how long I can stand up before the pain get so bad and I need to sit down again. My personal best is about 5 minutes. Sleeping is ok most of the time, although sometimes I wake up because of the pain. Sitting down is how I feel better. Actually I can't feel the pain when driving my car. although getting in the car can be a problem somtimes when I have to put the left leg in the car.
The pain hasn't got better or worse. It just stays as painful as usual.
Any ideas what could that be ?
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