I am a football player had patela femoral pain for 3 months on the left knee but was treated with rest and right exercise although pain is experienced occasionally. Got injured on the Right knee MCL during a match. It was a collision between me and the opponent just right after starting to heal with the patella femoral pain on the left. My right knee got injured been out for 7 months but still cannot just make a simple pass. History: After the injury there was swelling on the knee, couldn’t walk without strapping the knee coz it gave in whenever I walked Or slept on the side of the injury, whenever my leg change direction the knee would give in. I was ruled out immediately and icing with less walking till I saw the sport physio after the injury I did an ultrasound But still the knee would give in whenever I would try and turn or do any change of direction even with walking and was told it’s only a portion of my ligament that was torn. Did rehab to rebuild the strength of the knee by working on the relevant muscles like hamstrings, glutei, quads, adductors and all the relevant muscles to help the knee not to give in. It’s been more than 6 months but I still cannot kick a simple kick although I can cycle, walk, run, do certain things exercises still cannot do some. Sometimes the knee still gives in even when I am still doing rehab, and strengthening. I do not know what to do been trying to be patient with my self but it’s killing me I am asked every day how is the knee and I get tired of telling them the pain is not there but When my knee gives in it gives me pain. The popping sounds should have stopped by now but no. It has been stressful and now my patella femoral pain came back on the left side everything is getting worse
How can I get help with this ?
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