Hi there, I have a strain in my lower right back (just above the illiac crest) that won’t heal. It strains anew from everyday activities several times a week: from simple tasks like lifting a small pot of water, or moving a laptop and sitting up from my floor bed setup. I have been dealing with this worsening condition for the last 3 years, but in the last 5 month it has really entered an acute phase. Since 5 months ago I have spent almost my entire day lying on the floor (with a pillow beneath my knees and a rolled towel on lower back) hoping to give my injury rest. But even so I can't go a few days without a new strain or microtear injury in the same area, starting the cycle anew. Each time the threshold for injury lowers, and the pain lasts longer.
I've seen many doctors, had xrays, physical examinations, and ultra sounds. Nothing. We’ve ruled out Sciatica, issues with the SI joint and Spinal issues. There is nothing structurally wrong. However, there seems to be alot of myofasical adhesion in the area. Scar tissue. When touching the problem area (which is approx the size of a finger tip) it feels feels rougher under the skin, and sometimes has a hardened adhesion lump where the tear happens (the tear injuries are usually Grade A to Grade B strains, around 10 - 15% of the muscle/tendon/ligament fibers by my estimate).
The exception was the initial cause, which was a very painful tear in the exact area while deadlifting 11 years ago. However, in the time since I believed the injury has healed, although it did use to ache occasionally on long walks or during exercise. 3 years ago however, it strained again while performing a 45 lb overhead press. The strain was not particularly painful nor did I notice any loss of movement or weakness, but since that day 3 years ago, I have have been stuck in this perpetual "Cumulative Injury Cycle". The myofascial adhesion weakens and tears anew again and again. At first it was weeks between strains. But now it happens every few days. Each time the threshold for a new strain gets lower. About 3 years ago it took a 5k run or lifting ~50 lbs for the problem area to strain. Today it has worsened to the point where a 15 min walk, or lifting ~10 may trigger a new strain. I've long stopped exercising completely, and have cut back my daily activity month by month, until now I am not even able to sit, walk or stand for more than 10 mins without the pain setting in and getting worse for a few hours after. The last five month has been extremely difficult for my mental and emotional health given my near incapacity to move without fear of a new strain, and near constant low level pain.
Please help me break out of this injury cycle and help the soft tissue in the area heal so I can return to a normal life.
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