Hi there.

I’m a 50 year old male. Play 6 a side football once a week.

For the last 2 months I’ve had a really tight groin and hip discomfort. This didn’t seem to be caused by any particular event or injury; just got tighter over time.

It’s making me pretty miserable at the moment. There’s general discomfort all the time but then at night when I’m in bed there’s radiating pain all down the front; sometimes as far down as the ankle.

If I pull the knee up to the chest it feels like it’s bunching in there.

Been to see a physio who just says the quad and everything around the groin is tight. He massages the quad quite aggressively and it does seem to loosen things up. Thought last week I was making some progress but this week I’ve had a really tough time with it.

Pretty worried now i May need a new hip.

Any help or advice would be very much appreciated.

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