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    Neck off centre, tight band pulling neck toward right shoulder, legs and hips becoming uneven, body becoming contorted. Can anyone help?

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    Hi all, new here. I've seen a few physio's locally to me but none of them have filled me with confidence or given me any clarification as the what might be going on with my body or how we might be able to improve it. Hence I joined here in the hope somebody can point me in the right direction.

    My body seems to be getting gradually contorted over time and it's getting to be a problem. My general health is also not good and I'm sure my neck issues are somehow contributing to general ill health. Anyway, as the title states, my neck appears to be off to the right hand side. I can be seen in person or in photos. If I tilt my head to my left shoulder and intentionally lower my right shoulder, there is a tight band which feels as though it runs from the top of the shoulder all the way under the trapezius to part way up the neck. I don't have this tight band sensation on the left side. In general the right side of my neck feels somehow tighter and more developed muscle wise, where as the left side feels more open/loose and natural but less developed muscularly.

    It's more of a challenge to explain what's going on lower down in the body but it's to the point now where my hips feel slightly twisted and my legs feel very uneven. The left leg feels very different to the right, out of alignment and perhaps even a different length.

    The furthest I've gotten with the physio and chiropractors I've seen is them saying I appear to have weak Sternocleidomastoid muscles and to strengthen this, and that perhaps my right Sternocleidomastoid is larger than my left. I've been strengthening those. Other than that, no guidance on with my neck my be off to the side, why my legs feel uneven and what I might be able to do about it.

    I'm feeling more and more twisted up. I'm regularly dizzy and if I do any vigorous movement I get headaches that feel as though they come from the neck/base of the skull. In general my neck feels a mess, my swallow movement is abnormal and cannot move freely due to what feels like lack of space in the throat. The right side of my neck seems thicker. My health has gone downhill since I developed these neck issues and I wonder if somehow my vagus nerve is being compressed in my neck.

    For now i'm just hoping somebody might be able to give me some guidance on why my neck and body feel twisted and why my neck is off to the side and what I might be able to do about it or if there's anyone I can see that might be able to help. I realise I also have some forward head posture as well which i'm working on. The uneven left to right issues and twisting I have no idea what I can do about? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. I'm also willing to come and see someone in person if you feel you can help.

    I've attached some basic photos which will hopefully give some idea of what I'm talking about although with T shirt on I don't think it shows the extent of the misalignments. This was done at a chiropractic appt.

    2022-09-23 (2).jpg2022-09-23 (3).jpg

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    Re: Neck off centre, tight band pulling neck toward right shoulder, legs and hips becoming uneven, body becoming contorted. Can anyone help?

    How about your Left shoulder? Any injury prior to this? Because it looks like your Lt shoulder is rotated.

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    Re: Neck off centre, tight band pulling neck toward right shoulder, legs and hips becoming uneven, body becoming contorted. Can anyone help?

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    Quote Originally Posted by kaitiatangi View Post
    How about your Left shoulder? Any injury prior to this? Because it looks like your Lt shoulder is rotated.
    Hi, thanks for the response. No, I've never had any injuries to my left shoulder, or either shoulder for that matter.

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