Brief Medical History Overview
Bruised/Cracked Rib

Hello. This is my first time posting. I hope you are able to help.
One week ago, I was playing with my dog in the park and he accidentally took out my legs. I landed on the right side of my rib cage, although I think my hands absorbed some of the blow. I immediately felt a sharp pain in my ribs and the area turned red, but both symptoms subsided after about a minute.
Ever since, I've felt an intermittent pain in that area of my ribs, usually when twisting, getting out of bed, sneezing, laughing, or otherwise using nearby muscles. It's not an awful pain, but it's definitely limiting. I should add that there is no discoloration on my skin and the area does not hurt if I press directly onto it. So, I suspect that the injury is to tissue directly behind my rib cage.
I haven't seen a doctor because the injury seems minor and I've read that rest is the best way to heal a rib injury. Plus, the pain is not persistent or sharp enough to warrant medication.
Now to my question. I usually go to the gym 3-4 times per week and haven't been since. I'm getting very restless, though. Could I worsen the injury by lifting weights, or is it more a question of how much discomfort I can endure? I obviously don't want to aggravate the injury, but I'd also like to get some exercise. If you'd advise againt lifting weights (even on a machine), then perhaps I'll stick to a stationary bike or stair-climber.
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