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    Toe pain (football injury) Help please

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    Hi just wondered if anyone can help or have experienced the same symptons I have.
    I have not been to a doctor or physio yet because this pain is not always there it comes especially when I play football. I would say it happened during a game a few months back when I turned quickly it felt as though I had dislocated a toe even though I don't know how that feels. It felt as though it popped out because I got this sharp pain. The pain is either on my toe next to my small toe or in between my 2nd last and 3rd from left to right. Right after I experience pain I find it hard to pinpoint what is causing it but if pull my toes towards myself then point them again I get a kind of clicking senstaion in my 2nd last toe(nxt to small toe). I can't simulate injury it happens when I least expect it but it is a sharp pain when it happens, I would say its when the toes are splayed. anyone any ideas or cures.

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    Re: Toe pain (football injury) Help please

    I have exactly the same problem you are having. It happen last winter(Jan 2007) when I went off a jump snowboarding. my toe felt tense like it did not want to bend in my boot when I was getting air off the jump. Then I landed and it force my toe to bend in the boot(a normal bend but it didn't want to bend) tendon snapped or popped and it hurt for about a week. I can feel it randomly when I bend my toes a certain way. never went to the doctor. but I just pulled it again tonight snowboarding this year, so the pain will be there for probably a week. After it heals again I will still get the exact same sharp pian in the same place AROUND that toe and in the end of the toe really hard to pin point. I might just go to the doctor tomorrow. THIS SUCKS!!!

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    Re: Toe pain (football injury) Help please

    Physiotherapy will probably be your best solution there.

    Here are some possible reasons for your pain:

    The muscles of your large toe may be in a protective spasm, resulting in mal adaptive firing and inability to relax. Additionally while injured there may have been some soft tissue changes in the plantar fascia which have changed the dynamics of the area in which the muscle moves for optimum function. The joint of the 1st metatarsal may be negatively impacted and not in optimal alignment. This would result in pain on the nerve supplying the 1st toe.

    The physio for this should be soothing and relaxing, because it requires a lot of hands on treatment. A combination of massage, warm water relaxation, joint mobilisations, and finally muscle stretches should be done by a physiotherapist to help you get you pain free!


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    Re: Toe pain (football injury) Help please

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    The answer lies here I guess I numbered the toes wrong. I ment the second smallest toe hurts. It has to be "Mortons Neuroma". Most likely the only way to get rid of it without coming back again it you are ACTIVE in sports is surgery!


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