Brief Medical History Overview
Abdominal Pain/Strain ??

Hi there,
I've just recently been having pains in my lower abdominal area during activity. Not so much when running but more during stopping and starting. The funny thing is that I did this almost a year ago and went to see my GP because I wasn't sure what it was. After going through quite a few tests including an abdominal cat scan, nothing was found and he suggested it was a strain.
Now it seems to have happened again, the symptoms are almost the same. I have been able to play soccer, without too much sprinting, but am able to run fairly fast while limiting sudden movements. The most painful it has been was actually this morning when I was on the streetcar (tram) and had to step back to prevent from falling. It felt like I was stabbed in the gut (although that may not be accurate - I've never been stabbed before) probably right around the belt line, maybe just above it.
Anyhow, my questions surrounding this injury are as follows:
1. If it is an abdominal strain, what is the treatment? I've read that 2-3 weeks rest is required.
2. Can I perform any activities and still hope to recover?
3. I spend a lot of time weightlifting at the gym, is there anything I can or can't do? Anything that may speed up recovery?
Thanks in advance for any advice!
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