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    Unhappy Please help with MRI report

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    I received a coppy of my Wikipedia reference-linkMRI results however, my doctor was not in his office to explain the results. I am hoping someone has some experience with an MRI of lumbar spine. I would GREATLY appreciate help because my pain tolerance is diminishing daily!!!

    L4-5 There is a large 9 x 14 mm right paramedian disc herniation/protrusion with direct mass effect on descending roots and compression of the preganglionic right S1 nerve root. There is severe canal stenosis and proximal right neural foraminal narrowing. There is bilateral facet arthrosis. There are disccognetic degenerative changes inferior endplate of L4 and superior endplate of L5

    L5-S1 There is disc desiccation and decrease in height of intervertebral disc. There is 5mm central disc herniation deforming the dural sac with moderate mass effect on decending roots.

    Can anyone help help me??????


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    Re: Please help with MRI report

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    Quote Originally Posted by bernall View Post
    L4-5 There is a large 9 x 14 mm right paramedian disc herniation/protrusion with direct mass effect on descending roots and compression of the preganglionic right S1 nerve root. There is severe canal stenosis and proximal right neural foraminal narrowing. There is bilateral facet arthrosis. There are disccognetic degenerative changes inferior endplate of L4 and superior endplate of L5

    L5-S1 There is disc desiccation and decrease in height of intervertebral disc. There is 5mm central disc herniation deforming the dural sac with moderate mass effect on decending roots.
    Hello, I would like to mention I am not qualified to give advice about Wikipedia reference-linkMRI scans, however, I can possibly help define some of the terms described by you that may help give you an awareness of what has happened:

    1. Right Paramedian Disc herniation/protrusion
    - This means on Your Right side there is a slight bulge of the nucleus pulposis (vertebral disc spacer and shock absorber) Para- meaning alongside or near, and -median meaning central or middle. Thus on your Right side, near the middle, a nucleus pulposis bulge as follows:

    para median.jpg

    1b. - EFFECT OF 1 on NERVE: direct mass effect on descending roots and compression of the preganglionic right S1 nerve root
    - Mass effect defines displacement of mass, in this case the disc bulges out to displace/compress the Preganglionic R S1 nerve root.
    The Preganglionic nerve root, is obviously then quite near the area of disc protrusion, this nerve bundle of fibres is near to that protrusion and is the one that supplies your sacral region,

    2. severe canal stenosis and
    - Spinal canal stenosis results from the compression of nerve roots in the spinal canal and develops as a result of a combination of narrowing of the disc space, bulging of the disc into the spinal canal and degeneration of the Wikipedia reference-linkfacet joints.

    2b. proximal right neural foraminal narrowing
    - If you look at the image below you will see that from the spinal canal (which carries your spinal cord), the nerve roots that extend out of this canal do so by exiting via the Intervertebral Foramen (or spaces), and in this case the red circle indicates that this area is narrowed.

    3. disc[]og[]e[n]ic degenerative changes inferior endplate of L4 and superior endplate of L5
    - Finally, the endplate of the L4 and L5 is labelled below, and discogenic refers to the disc as the source of degenerative changes at these specific areas.

    I hope that I have provided you an idea of the changes that have occurred, and that this will be of use to you when it is explained to you fully. I wish that you recover well.


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