Look-upcalcific tendonitis or calcific tendinosis for more information
Just come awy from Ultrasound dept. Just been told that I have calcification of the shoulder and supraspinatus and a tear in the muscle.
As if I didn't have enough problems with my knees!!
Any ideas? Have I spelt it right?
Look-upcalcific tendonitis or calcific tendinosis for more information
Aussie trained Physiotherapist living and working in London, UK.
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Just saw the Consultant this morning and found out I have an Impingement (?) a torn tendon and calcified lumps. He mentioned day surgery and having to screw some part of something against something else, but I was just in a trance. I have asked for a copy of the letter though.
What is an impingement?
Hi - what it sounds like - something pinching (impinging) on something else.
In your case, it sounds chronic, the bone has developed in your shoulder in response to the stress on the injury and it is rubbing therotator cuff.
As Physiobob has said, read the link provided...
As for the operation, the surgeon will remove the offending bone, sew up the holes etc. You will be looking at 3-6 months without normal use of your arm and getting to know your physio well!
Good luck
Well just as I thought I was recovering my Consultant has said that he thinks I have Carpal Tunnel and referred me for surgery.
So, I go to my GP tell him all about it and he said "We've got your results for your knee x rays" and I've got thickening of the muscle of something and bony spurs!! I need referral to the hospital again