Brief Medical History Overview
Grade 1 Medial Ligament sprain???

9 weeks ago I got kicked on the front of my knee playing soccer. It was sore but I played on. A mild pain remained though on the inside of my knee and I visited a NHS physio. I was diagnosed by an inexperienced student nurse who kept having to ask her superiors to help answer my quesitions. She said that the injury was not ligament damage just muscular, and that I would make a full recovery within 8 weeks. I asked her if it was okay to start jogging (this was 4 weeks after the injury) she said yes.
I thought it better to be cautious and rested my knee for the full 8 weeks. Last week I went jogging and it felt okay. This gave me confidence so I tried doing 10 minutes of interval training on a treadmill at a reasonable speed. This was 5 days ago and my knee has been sore since. It hurts most when in bed and I roll over on it, this causes shooting pains to the inside of my knee.
Is the injury more serious than first diagnosed? How long do you think I should leave it before jogging again? Any help would be much appreciated!
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