Quote Originally Posted by Lynz View Post
i'd just like to add my experience of having scoliosis surgery! unfortunately i was one of the unlucky ones who needed surgery in my teens (13 to be precise). My curvature degree was 98 before surgery and was reduced to just 45 after surgery. I no longer have any back pain and look as straight as anyone else! I have also had my rods in for 7 years now with absolutely no problems and i also know plenty of people who haven't had any problems with them!

i have not taken part in things like gymnastics and contact sports as i was advised not to by my consultant, however, i have been on rollercoasters, i own a motorbike and i do part take in activities i shouldn't lol

i think it depends on the individual but my consultant assured me it would be very unlikely that my rods would break or that i would ever need them removed.

i do agree, however, that people have said its not done for pain alone, the surgery is very long and the recovery isnt exactly easy!!!

if you can cope with the pain without resorting to surgery i would, its changed my life but i was told that as my curvature was so bad (had tipped my heart and restricted my breathing) that i probably wouldnt have survived!!
Dear Lynz;

I am glad for you that yours was successful.

The pamphlets and information available that one patient of mine brought in suggested that less than one third will get pain relief benefits as would the lecture by Dr. Hamilton Hall.

Surgery is very important for those who it will benefit. My caution is that the patient make an informed decision.

Best regards,
