Brief Medical History Overview
Choosing a physiotherapist
I am after some advice please. I have just had surgery for Achilles tendinosis/tendinopathy (the actual surgery was described as debridement - no tendon transfer was necessary). Everything went well - after 2 weeks non weight bearing in plaster I am now in a walking 'boot' type thing. Happy to be mobile at last.
I will be starting physio in another 3 weeks or so. So my question is how do I choose a good physiotherapist? Is this a standard process that all physios could do or should I be looking for any particular expertise/background? What questions should I be asking potential therapists?
I am keen to return to some light sport (gym, jogging) in due course as the last 3 years of pain and increasing inactivity has made me fed up - and fat.
Any help gratefully received.
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