I have a long history of getting tendonitis in my right wrist. 2 years ago i was in a car accident with my hand on the gear shift, a month later my wrist started hurting which I thought was tendonitis, so it was treated as such. The swelling kept going down and then flare up. When the swelling was down I couldn't put my wrist into extension/hyper extension when putting weight on it (ie a push up). The tendonitis is gone (at least I think so, I pretty sure i know what it feels like). But it's been 2 years of this off and on tendonitis with lack of weight bearing. I was in a brace for several months and lost some muscle tone and flexibility which is pretty much back to normal now. All my x-rays have come back normal. My physio is doing deep muscle massages to release the tension in my forearm, which helps a bit.

Does anyone have any advise on what exercises I should do? Or any idea what could be causing the lack of extension? Could this have been caused by the car accident? I think the tendonitis is just coming back due to the weakness in the wrist. Thanks for any help.

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