Brief Medical History Overview
Recent wrist fracture, help

Hi guys, I've just joined you all.
At the end of May 2008 I slipped in a shower block when camping in Wales, and I knew I had broken my right wrist. I went to the A&E dept where they temporarily plastered it. I had an intra aricular distal radius fracture. Basically the end of my radius had broken into a few peices, they told me it would need fixing. The next morning they manipulated it OUCH and recast it. As I was on holiday they suggested I go home, I did, and then had to wait another week before they put 3 k wires in.
I had the wires removed on 10th of July which was alot less painful than I expected, only the pin near the base of my thumb hurt.
I saw the physio and she gave me some exercises.
Now I admit I am a woose and a bit of a coward, but I am struggling to do the exercises, my fingers hurt, I think just because of the swelling and stiffness. I get quite a bit of pain at the base of my thumb, which I know is to be expected.
I know there is going to be pain, but I worry about doing myself more injury.
I've had lots of physio in the past with other injuries, (I'm having a dexa scan next week to check my bones) so I know what to expect, I suppose I hope for some new miracle treatment that won't hurt.
I must be the type of patient you dread having, whinging about it hurting.
Have you any idea how long it will take to recover from this injury? and any tips as to how to do the exercises with minimum pain?
Thank you for listening.
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