Brief Medical History Overview
Please Help BPPV

Hi everyone,
Please can you help. 6weeks ago I awoke with spinning vertigo-it was terrifying. I went to GP who performed dix hallpike & nystigmas was noted as i was left side positive. He performed epley manouver and spinning stopped but I am left with disequilibrium,false movement/nausea/panic. He has since performed another epley with little effect to aforementioned symptoms. I paid to see ENT consultant who did audiology/neuro/halpike test. No nystigmas noted. He is referring me for a caloric test (I dont understand what this will do) & has sent me a diagram sheet of home epley in the post but has not said how often I do this-does anyone know?
Also, Im confused because I thought the whole point of epley was to return particles, and as my spinning stopped after 1st epley with GP (which i presume cause the spinning) why am I being asked to do this now & can it cause any settled particles to come whizzing out again??
I tried home epley yesterday but It made me feel awful for the rest of the day-why is this?
Im so worried & confused. Ive tried ringing ENT but everythings getting muddled. They are telling me 6 week wait for caloric but Ive been off work for 6 weeks already and I dont know what to do?
Can anyone tell me how I can find a neuro-otologist in Manchester, or a VRT physio or do you think I should stay with my current consultant....sorry for rambling but Im desperate, frightened and confused.
Please help, I would be grateful for any advice
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