Many thanks for taking the time to reply - what you say makes perfect sense. I think I've got more information from this site than I have from the health professionals I've seen to date! I had one GP who refused to believe I had a problem and just told me I 'looked quite straight' (without examining me of course!). My own GP recognises I have scoliosis but doesn't seem to think this could cause me pain so is unsympathetic about my situation. The 3 physios I've seen have been lovely, but have all dismissed me after a couple of months, saying they can't do anything for me.
I don't even know what is causing the pain - the physios seemed to think it was the twisted pelvis causing the pain, whereas another doctor I saw said it might be a problem with a disc.
I find it quite distressing at times, although I do my best to get on and make the best of things - I'm not the sort of person to sit around complaining and I'm doing everything I can to help myself - I do pilates and yoga, I have joined a gym to improve my general fitness and I take Alexander Technique lessons to help with my posture. But unfortunately I'm still in pain, with a GP who thinks I'm a hypochondriac, and I don't know where to turn next. I'm not sure if it is worth trying a private physio, or whether I should just accept that nothing can be done...
Anyway, many thanks for your interest in my case - it is most appreciated.