What did the physio do for you in terms of treatment and exercises!!!

Have you had any investigations such as xray or Wikipedia reference-linkMRI??

These investigations will look at the possibility of bursitis, or bony growth at the insertion of your achilles.

Have you had blood tests to rule out an inflammatory disorder??

If all these things seem normal then rule out referred pain from neural structures such as your lumbar spine.

In an uncomplicated bilateral achilles problem I would look at stretching for:
lumbar spine
usually either hip flexors or hamstrings will be tight
piriformis (another hip muscle)

Then strengthening for:
Butt muscles
Hamstrings if needed.

Get the physio to look and joint stiffness around your ankle and mobilise your ankle joints if needed.

Look at footwear.

If you have a tendinopathy (tendon inflammatory condition) you need to do strengthening exercises EVERYDAY for 100 days!!! That's a lot and more importantly, you need to be doing some eccentric as well as concentric exercises!

Has this helped or confused you more???