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    Re: Realistic recovery expectations low back pain and unstable SI Joint

    Hi there jr_really,

    I don't really have any answers for you but i know how you feel. Sacroilliac joints seem to be very hard to treat.

    As for cycling- have you tried a recumberant bike? If not for riding on the road then just for training (e.g. at a gym if you go to one)? At least you might be able to get some good exercise that way.

    In my personal experience i have found walking helpful for correcting SI problems however this may not relate to your situation. I'm sure you can tell what aggravates your problem.

    Only suggestion i have at the moment is try to find someone who is doing research like at a uni or something. If someone is doing a study on low back pain they probably would be grateful for volunteer participants and they are probably challenging common treatments and beliefs. Perhaps you might find a professor or someone in a uni who has done research already and is a specialist in this area and can help you

  2. #2

    Re: Realistic recovery expectations low back pain and unstable SI Joint

    Hi there ... i dont know what to say regarding your problem... please consult a doctor who is researching on this topic....i wish for your well being soon...

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