Brief Medical History Overview
Pain Just Above Knee (Footballing Injury)

I play a couple hours of indoor football (soccer) a week on a small indoor court. The sport is harder and faster than normal football due to the speed of the game and the amount of twisting and turning.
5 weeks ago, a couple of hours after the game I felt the onset of a pain just above my knee on the inside (Top right if you are facing the knee). This pain is enough to give me great difficulty walking.
The exact location of the pain appears to be at a level above the just knee cap ~ 2 O'clock position if facing the knee. The pain can be described as a slight twinge that gradually intensifies almost feeling like the *pop* when a muscle gets cramp.
There is no grinding, no clicking, no locking and no feeling of instability.
The Doctor tested for ligament tear and found none but could not diagnose further.
I took the RICE approach. Avoided anything that causes the pain - football and walking. I've also done regular swimming and stretching and some gentle cycling (~strangely cycling doesn't cause any issues).
5 Weeks in I've started to gradually increase my exercise level. I did a bit of running a couple of days ago. The area to the top right of the knee felt a little sore afterwards but no symptomatic pain as described above.
Yesterday, I attempted to play some football and within 5 mins I could feel the onset of the pain described above so stopped immediately.
The injury has been improving over the 5 weeks and is certainly less prevalent but I still do not know what it is.
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