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    ACL reco. hamstring graft results is hamstring tendonitis?


    Please help me if you can. I have been off running for almost 1 1/2 years. That makes a dedicated runner like me very sad.

    I had an ACL reconstruction surgery nearly 11 months ago, with hamstring autograft. My knee seems to be ok, as shown by post-op Wikipedia reference-linkMRI.

    The problem lies in the graft donor area. The hamstring was very tight for long time, causing knee problems. But with proper massage and streching the knee has gotten better. However, there are no further improvements and the hamstring gets tight after exercising. I need to massage several times each day. The hamstring tendon is swollen all the time. I can feel two knots in the muscle. I cannot bend the knee fully. I feel numb in my sole. The problem affects my walking.

    This may sound like hamstring tendonitis. Can ACL with hamstring graft cause hamstring tendonitis?

    With hope of getting help,

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    ACL reco. hamstring graft results is hamstring tendonitis?

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  3. #26
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    Re: ACL reco. hamstring graft results is hamstring tendonitis?

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    I am sorry to hear this. If your muscles are degenerated you need to be careful not to tear them. Once the tendon is torn partially it should be deformed. Over-stretching and weightlifting can harm your muscles and cause a partial/complete rupture. If complete rupture happens, you will soon seen a terrible hole in your thigh.

    Last year I contacted a world-respected doctor in Finland, Sakari Orava. You can read about him here.

    He had this to say about my rupture (and note that it all started with your symptoms):

    This kind of tear is rare, but we have seen and operated a few. The frequency is 1-2 / 100 ACL operations. In all cases there has been too much passive stretching and too vigorous physiotherapy to the posterior thigh. Usually posterior thigh cannot be trained actively hard for two months after surgery.
    You can contact him via email. I can send you his email address if you like.

    Wikipedia reference-linkMRI will help.

    Some less skilled doctors told me earlier that the tendons had not grown back. Don't listen to this and find better doctors, doctors who have seen this before and know what can be done. My semitendinosus was operated and is working. Same with gracilis, but it's length is only half compared to original and I have a visible hole. These months I am training to compensate for this loss. My doctor says I will able to get back to sports.

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    Re: ACL reco. hamstring graft results is hamstring tendonitis?


    Amazing that I am experiencing the same symptoms as you are describing. I had my ACLr on May 2010 and ever since I ruptured my hamstring muscle 3 times. I haven't had any tears for the last year and I gained some muscle strength BUT there is a visible loss of muscle as compared to the other leg and it is disproportional, I mean it is like a slice of the muscle is missing starting from the distal (behind the knee) running up to the pelvis - it is amazing - the muscle is gone! I am having the same issues, cramps (mainly at night) and pains, like neural pains during the day, it hurts mostly behind the knee like I got something stuck there, in summary , really frustrating !! What happened to the other muscles in the hamstring will compensate?!?!

    Anybody has gone successful operation to correct it? I heard and read about Sakari Orava but would like to hear from someone who had this fixed, please email me [email protected]

    Hope things are going better to most of you!

    ---------- Post added at 09:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:21 AM ----------


    Amazing that I am experiencing the same symptoms as you are describing. I had my ACLr on May 2010 and ever since I ruptured my hamstring muscle 3 times. I haven't had any tears for the last year and I gained some muscle strength BUT there is a visible loss of muscle as compared to the other leg and it is disproportional, I mean it is like a slice of the muscle is missing starting from the distal (behind the knee) running up to the pelvis - it is amazing - the muscle is gone! I am having the same issues, cramps (mainly at night) and pains, like neural pains during the day, it hurts mostly behind the knee like I got something stuck there, in summary , really frustrating !! What happened to the other muscles in the hamstring will compensate?!?!

    Anybody has gone successful operation to correct it? I heard and read about Sakari Orava but would like to hear from someone who had this fixed, please email me[email protected]

    Hope things are going better to most of you!

  5. #28
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    Re: ACL reco. hamstring graft results is hamstring tendonitis?

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot

    Amazing that I am experiencing the same symptoms as you are describing. I had my ACLr on May 2010 and ever since I ruptured my hamstring muscle 3 times. I haven't had any tears for the last year and I gained some muscle strength BUT there is a visible loss of muscle as compared to the other leg and it is disproportional, I mean it is like a slice of the muscle is missing starting from the distal (behind the knee) running up to the pelvis - it is amazing - the muscle is gone! I am having the same issues, cramps (mainly at night) and pains, like neural pains during the day, it hurts mostly behind the knee like I got something stuck there, in summary , really frustrating !! What happened to the other muscles in the hamstring will compensate?!?!

    Anybody has gone successful operation to correct it? I heard and read about Sakari Orava but would like to hear from someone who had this fixed, please email me: [email protected]

    Hope things are going better to most of you!

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