Brief Medical History Overview
Periosteal lesion

Periosteal lesion
I have been diagnosed after
MRI with a perosteal lesion. This lesion, of the point of attachment at the tibial tuberosity of the pattellar tendon, began six months ago after a change in my strength and conditioning programme.
At the point of injury I waited six weeks with little or no training in order to let it rest. I could walk fine just found pain during exercise. The pain increased and it got to a point where the leg could not bare weight.
My first physio thought it was not a tendon injury but referred pain from my spine. His treatment did not help.
My second physio correctly diagnosed the injury prior to the MRI but said that the cartilage in my knee was degraded and that this would mean that the injury would be irritated and not heal.
He sent me to a private orthopeadic surgeon who gave me two cortisone injections. One into the knee joint and one close to the pattelar tendon. After two weeks they had no affect.
That surgeon and physio said I would need the knee washed out, prior even to an MRI, and that they could do it for a vast some of money. I don't have it, so i got an MRI and went to see another surgeon.
He said that the cartilage is fine not any worse than any other 34 year old active person and that it would just take a long time and care for the tendon to heal.
My physio says different that if I do not clean the knee out it will not heal. He is a very prominent physio working with many of the top sports clubs in scotland.
At this point I am struggling with what to do. The knee is getting better. At the moment I have rebuilt my quad and can hop and run a few steps. The tendon insertion is not sore during exercise but is very tender to touch. I am having what I hope are secondary complications after having the leg not function properly for a few months. Pain at the medial side of the knee near the tuberosity but not on it and grinding from the joint as I move it. Could this be due to the patellar not being alligned in the groove?
Would anyone make any reccomendations.
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