Basically, during pre season football training i got a hard knock on my shins, stupidly i wasnt wearing shin pads.
My shin swelled up massively and i had shooting pains each time i put weight on it.
After a week the swelling went down, but i noticed a kind of dent were the main bruising was, and also down from where the pain, bruising and swelling was, my shin feels numb.
I can dig my nails in and cant feel it one bit. This is the bit which worries me.
Its been about 1 month since then, yet it still feels numb below, and if i get even the slightest knock on it in training, it swells up and bruises again. Also if i rest it for about 5 minutes, then try moving it/putting weight on it i get shooting pains through my shin.

Can anyone help please?

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