Brief Medical History Overview
How soon can I cycle following fractured lateral malleolus?

Hi, would be most grateful for some advice on whether I can use bicycling to get muscle tone and flex back into my ankle.
Here's the situation:
I fractured my ankle (lateral malleolus). The fracture line was on a 45deg angle sloping inwards. Docs described it as unstable. It was in a cast for 6 weeks. In the last 7 days, I was able to increasingly weight-bear on it, to the point in the last few days of being able to walk several kilometres with no crutches.
Yesterday the cast was removed. Flex is okay, but not wonderful. Doc thought it was good. Says strength is approx 75%, and said definitely no surfing for another 4 weeks. He suggested housework
I can't push up onto tip-toes on that foot alone, as I can with good foot, as there is no muscle strength. I can walk about 3km (2ish miles), but have a limp. Swam 1000m last night with lots of breaks.
Given the above description, would it be a go-er for me to start cycling to work and back (about 5km each way) to really kick rehabilitation into gear? I would take it pretty easy for the first few days - I promise!!.
Cheers for taking the time to read!!
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