Brief Medical History Overview
peroneal nerve injury?
If anyone can help me manage this problem it would be greatly apprecaited. I started off with isolated pain in my fibula head that was very manageable at first. I found that when I massaged my biceps femoris that it would help take the pain away. However, I didn't manage it closely enough and the pain in the fibula head got quite severe that it caused me to stop running. I had a deep massage into the bicps femoris and instantly after the massage I had no pain in my fibula head but on my next run I started getting a vague pain down my peroneals and tib ant. I thought I was just overcompensating with these muscles when I was running so thought nothing of it. I had a massage into the peroneals and immediaelty after the massage I had a lot of swelling in the muscle. The pain in the peroneals+tib ant went away but then I started getting some vague weakness, uncoordintion into my ankle especially when walking down hill. Saw specialist who thought deep peroneal nerve injury and said to begin running again when I felt like all my strength had come back. Symptoms stayed fairly constant. It was never so bad that I had complete loss of strength or anything like that. I had normal strength on resisted eversion+resisted dorsiflexion but when it came to walking or running it just did not feel right. I did some light soft tissue massage into my biceps femoris as it felt like a rock in there and either as a coincidence or because of the massage my nerve symptoms settled. I started back into light running and had no nerve symptoms but a vague tightness up higher into hamstring. I did some trigger point work on that and that relieved it. I started back running and had no hamstring or nerve symptoms but pain on impact into my tibial tubersosity. I thought this was just a return to running type pain although on palpation I had no pain at all. I attempted a harder run and got through it ok but by the next day all my pain had gone from the tibial tubersosity and my vague weakness/nerve pain has returned to the front of my ankle again.
My gut feel is that it is coming from the biceps fem because it feels like a rock in there but if I do resisted knee flexion with lateral rotation of tibia I have no pain. If I do resisted knee flexion with internal rotation that brings on my symptoms strongly. There is no positive response with peroneal nerve or sciatic nerve tension testing.
I am at a loss as to what is going on. I am meant to be starting my track and field season now and it has been 7 weeks since I have run and things don't seem to be getting better. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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