Can someone tell the best way to be able to get a job in Australia or Canada? I am from Holland and after travelling the world last year I was impressed by these 2 countries and would love to start there.thanks
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Can someone tell the best way to be able to get a job in Australia or Canada? I am from Holland and after travelling the world last year I was impressed by these 2 countries and would love to start there.thanks
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I also want to go to Australia. I get help of the New Zealand and Australia Migration Bureau. (they do the paperwork for me). Their E-mail adress is: [email protected]
To ckuzee,
I am a physio in Australia in the state of New South Wales in the town of Wagga Wagga. Did you visit Wagga Wagga? Probably not! It is not on the list of tourist destinations, but a great place to live.
This is the first time I've viewed this internet site.
I work at the local hospital. I work 2 days each week. I have three children and a husband, so therefore lots of responsibilities! There are a number of vacant physio positions at the hospital. You could work there if you are a new graduate or a physio with further experience.
The hospital is a general acute public/governement hospital.
I don't know the details of how you would apply and what visa requirements are, but I could fine that out for you if you are interested. You could write back anyway to find out more about the hospital or the town/lifestyle etc.
Can you contact your own country's registration board for details, or won't they tell you. Maybe they don't want you to go.
We have a friend who lives in Belgium but works in Maarstricht. She is Dutch and a physiotherapist too.
I look forward to your reply. from Sally Padgett
You will have to be credentialled by the Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators to be able to work in Canada. Their website has more information -
Good luck.
r u interested to work in Fiji. I have a vacancy in my private physio practice for one year. mail me at... [email protected].
Usha Krishna Gfeller
We would be happy to have you in Canada! Do contact the regulating board( to know all the requirements. AND think of coming to work with us when you get here!!!! <>
Dear Ms.Padgett,
Are there still job vacancies at the hospital in Wagga Wagga? I'm a physical therapist in the US working at a hospital in Chicago, IL. I am trying to find work as a physio in Wagga Wagga in the upcoming year as my boyfriend is from Wagga Wagga and we're hoping to be there together. Any information would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks so much,
Sonia P