... Note from American Physical Therapy Association:
Thank you for contacting the Department of Minority/International Affairs of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA).
In answering your questions, there are no programs in Australia that are Commission on Accreditation for Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE) accredited. They are located in Canada, France, The Netherlands, and the
United Kingdom. However, because some of these programs are still at the baccalaureate level, they may lose their accreditation January 2002 when CAPTE will only accredit programs at the graduate level. More information regarding the educational requirements for PTs can be found at this link:
https://www.apta.org/Education/ed_news/pt_edu_faq> .
If you do plan to study in Australia and return to the US to practice, you will need to complete a credential evaluation. Information on the process can be found on our home page at the following link:
https://www.apta.org/About/special_interests/internationalaffairs/info_for_intl_edu_pt> .
You will need to contact the state licensure board where you wish to practice and inquire as to what other requirements would be necessary to obtain licensure. A complete listing of the state boards can be obtained
from the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy home page,
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