Hi there,
I wouldn't recommend california beacuse its a TOUGH STATE TO GET YOUR LICENSE. I would recommend NY and Michigan beacuse these states are relatively easy.
I am a norwegian physio trained in the UK at manchester school of Physio. I have been practicing almost 2 years...1and a half in norway and past half a year in the UK. I tried to have my credentials evaluated through the FCCPT for California, but was rejected because I don't have enough General Education Credits. They want me to do a full year of study at university...does anyone have a short cut to get the GECs except for the CLEP exams?? I am eager to get things sorted as I have heard that next year they will require a masters program for licensure. Thanks in advance.
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Hi there,
I wouldn't recommend california beacuse its a TOUGH STATE TO GET YOUR LICENSE. I would recommend NY and Michigan beacuse these states are relatively easy.
Is it a requirement to have a local license from your country? My friend was evaluated by ICD and given a certificate that her credentials passed the standardss although she didn't pass the local board yet. Is it necessary so she can take the state board?
We all know that after 1 April,2008 the FSBPT has further increased the GE and professional credits limits. Indian PTs still do not lack in professional credits by in large but G.E credit has been a prob for them. This course is of 6 months and its conducted in one of the best institute in India, thats CIIS. It is located in Punjab, near Chandigarh.This course is most updated according to new FSBPT requirements and is approved by ICD and FCCPT and other credentialing bodies. After finishing this programme , one will be be making up for GE credits, required for most of the states.
The HDS is an Indiana,U.S.A based company and recruitng PTs from U.S.A, Canada,India.You can contact Dr S.Sandeep,PT at <hds.jobs@gmail.com> He is the recruiting manager for HDS in India. He is a Sr. Physiotherapist and can relate to our problem very well providing with the best possible solution. Besides this company is solely focus for PTs unlike others which are recuiting nurses also.
hope it answers most of the questions.!!!!
I seems very difficult for a Vietnamese to apply for a visa to US. What should I do to overcome the interview?
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Look at the areas that they say you are lacking and spek to your physio school. It is likely that you HAVE covered most things it just was not worded correctly in the breakdown of your credntials that you sent to the FCCPT. You can send more info as well as a letter from your head of physio school confirming you have done these things. Also look at post gred diplomas. I had to do wound care at a nursing school. I finally now have my Type I certificate fro CA and HI. GOOD LUCK!!!
i am rina singh. completed my bpt degree from india,i am planning to give npte..as far as the first step credentialisation is concerned, i have already done it from world education services ,newyork. with gpa 3.72.so do i need to do credential evaluation again?
For NY the credentialing body is FCCPT NY. other than NY and MI every state give GE lack to Indian physios. Even I got lack for FL. I suggest you to send your CV to hds.jobs@gmail.com
Dr S.Sandeep, the recruiting manager of that(HDS) company can guide you better.
All the best
I am new in USA. I have finished my physiotheraphy from NTR University Andharapradesh. I am trying to find sources how to persue my licence in USA so that i can continue with my profession.
Can you please guide me or provide me some information how to proceed on this.
Thanks in advance..