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    to all the physios that have done AECOP examination

    Advertise your physiotherapy job on Physiobob's Job
    Hello everyone, im an italian physiotherapist married with an aussie girl. We decided to move and live in QLD so now i have to go through all the AECOP process to be able to work in Oz. I was wondering if someone could give me some help and guideline (or advice) about the screening examination, maybe someone that has already done

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  2. #2
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    re: to all the physios that have done AECOP examination

    Advertise your physiotherapy job on Physiobob's Job
    Hi Giulio. I sat the exams in March and I'm pleased to say that I passed them. I was warned before-hand they were very difficult, so I studied HARD, and they were still really difficult. Really focus on your anatomy and physiology, in detail, and I found electrotherapy required quite a detailed knowledge as well. Basically, unless you get stuck into the studying, it will be hard to pass. I spent some time going to the university library and using the books there, as I couldn't afford to buy them all. Also, I have had a job as a physio assistant for a number of months. I replied to a job advertising for a physio, and they took me instead, so you might be lucky finding physio assistant work somewhere. best of luck, Joanna

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