It is not (supposed to be) possible, except for the example questions they give on the web-site. These example questions can and do occur on the actual exam .... but probably not all of them on one exam!
They do not make past questions available to prospective students apart from this, as they state that due to the limited number of questions they have on their bank it would give some students an unfair advantage. Furthermore you are expressly forbidden to discuss the actual content of the exam outside the exam room, or you run the risk of being disqualified through "cheating".
pssst though ..... many students (Canadian especially) write down all the questions they can remember and are usually more than willing to share as they feel the exam is sooo stupid and unecessary. Canadian grads take great umbrage at the fact that they are required to pay and sit this exam before they can get their licences, even after training on an approved course IN Canada. Canadian grads however do have an unfair advantage built into their training as they prepare specifically FOR this exam, and their tutors know darn well the sort of questions that are due to come up, and they practise them over and over!
So the thing to do if you are over here is to get working and make friends with Canadian grads .........
Personally I had a good resp book, a good neuro book and a good msk book with anatomy and all the "special tests". You need to know how to assess mostly, and test for stuff, and move people safely and deal with difficult patients etc. You really have to revise EVERYTHING you ever learned. I did it after qualifying in the UK 25 years ago, and took 2 attempts at the clinical, but passed well the second time.
Use the resources offered by the Alliance, and sweet-talk some locals into helping you if you can!
btw if you re-take any part you DO have to pay each time!.... but I claimed it back on my tax and got a full rebate here in Calgary!