Dear colleagues, Hi!
I looking for job as a Physiotherapist in one of the Govt. and Private hospitals in Malaysia as a Physiotherapist.
I shall be highly obliged if any one among u help me in this regard.
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Dear colleagues, Hi!
I looking for job as a Physiotherapist in one of the Govt. and Private hospitals in Malaysia as a Physiotherapist.
I shall be highly obliged if any one among u help me in this regard.
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Hello there ..
regarding to working in malaysia...i think the best way is to contact..Malaysia Physiotherapy Association or Malaysia Ministry of Health(Allied Health)..Dont think any problem for u to work long as you have the recognised qualification, just check the local news paper or contact people from the association...make sure u get the ask for the work permit and working condition first
good luck and looking forward to see u here
Elo sabah,
by de way u did not tel us where u r frm well to work in malaysia u need to get the contract 1st then u have to get the MOH(ministry of health) aproval then your visa in immmigration then what U r oppointed .. welcome
can any one guide me what is the process of having job in Malaysia as a Physiotherapist? is there any specific license exam?Im currently working in Pakistan and I want to do job In malaysia..pls guide me if anyone knws