Hi Ralph, I hear your concerns.
Send me an email at
Liam.james.robinson@gmail.com and I think I can help you out – have lots on the written exam! I failed it first time, passed it second time!
Hi, I'm a Polish physiotherapist looking for some information on how to prepare for the written and clinical exams to get through the "standard assessment pathway".
The two sample questions given by the Australian Physiotherapy Council are quite basic, but I have no idea of what to expect on the actual written exam (or clinical for that matter)
The information I received over the phone wasn't too specific and it's soooo expensive to redo the exam, that I want to have a good chance of passing it the first time
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
For example, what materials to study from, any courses available etc.
I have the academic books from my Australian physio friends, but do I really need to go into all the details t pass the exams? It would be like studying the full masters all over again...
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Hi Ralph, I hear your concerns.
Send me an email at
Liam.james.robinson@gmail.com and I think I can help you out – have lots on the written exam! I failed it first time, passed it second time!
Hi Liam, can you send me some information, please? davidbelmaropazo@gmail.com
Thanks a lot
Hi Liam
I am a Hong Kong physio, I would like to know how to prepare for the exam especially the clinical part. May I help me out too. My email is byeung88@hotmail.com
Thanks a lot
Hi I am Fiji physio
I really need ur help
Plz send me the doc for written exam
My Email is sungwoo0202@gmail.com
Plz help me
Thank you
Hi Liam
I am a Physiotherapist from Hong Kong. I want your help in both written and clinical exam. Do you mind to share the information with me? Thanks!
Hi, Liam
I am a physiotherapist from Pakistan. i need ur help bcoz i have no idea to start preparing for written and clinical exam
kindly guide me. My email is fatimashoaib1993@gmail.com
Fatima Shoaib
Hi, Liam
I am a physiotherapist from India . I need ur help in both written and clinical exam and my written exam in this september 2018 and i have no idea to start preparing for written and clinical examS.
kindly guide me.
my email -guripangli@gmail.com
Gurpreet kaur.
- - - Updated - - -
Hi, Liam
I am a physiotherapist from India . I need ur help in both written and clinical exam and my written exam in this september 2018 and i have no idea to start preparing for written and clinical examS.
kindly guide me.
my email -guripangli@gmail.com
Gurpreet kaur.
Hi Liam
I have sent you an email enquiring information and advice on standard pathway exams. It has been a while since I finished my studies and I need refreshments. I have noidea where to begin. Could you please advice me on this matter and if there is any courses available?
My email is: mahoor_m55@yahoo.com