im swapnil doing bachlor of physiotherapy from india. im preparing for pce and npte.I think studing in group will help us out a lot.all those who want to join me out are being welcome.
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im swapnil doing bachlor of physiotherapy from india. im preparing for pce and npte.I think studing in group will help us out a lot.all those who want to join me out are being welcome.
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i am glad my regularity has been noted. however i feel that lately not many of you guys have provided any input? firstly i do not even know how many of you there are. secondly i do not know who is doing which exam the american or canadian? and possible exam dates? now i am due to sit the written pce exam in november this yr. so obviously in a couple of weeks, i shall be getting down to studying more seriously than i have done.
i also do not know how you have been getting on with the study group-ie techniques, learning styles. so it would be helpful to know that and get input from other members of the group?
i do not mind providing a 'strategy to work' however i know nothing about you guys nor the way/ speed and depth each individual prefers to learn. this is rather important.
it would be useful to know what others think and also a few helpful suggestions would be good as i assume we are all in this together 'as a group'.
am internee from india i would like to join the study group for npte. but am very new about the exam course requirements.. thanks
dear anjaana,
first of you get us inform at what extent you are aware about npte and by what date you are going to give it.
what da hell is this where are you all guys. give me a threshold to re start some discussions.
hello swapnil and all other friends,
i feel sorry to know that our group have lost its continuty. ill try from now to be regular in my postings.
lets discuss on some spinal injuries.
degenerative arthritis of spine and ivd
I am a physical therapist from India preparing for NPTE exams
any one has study materials for NPTE. plz sent me ferryenroute@yahoo.com
i have sent a complete e-booklet of npte exam for you at your id .check it out and come back if further help is needed.
hello jess,
where are you long time no see.
missing you.
do anybody know about the status of making indian physiotherapy
hi swapnil
I'm nissie from India.Lt me know the details about pce and npte exams.Please help me regarding these and if there is any related website,plz let me know.
Waiting anxious to hear from you.BYEEEEEEEEE
hello nissie,
i would feel very good to hear about you, from where you are.and at what stage of our profession you are now.
nissie npte is national physio therapy exam conducted by usa for giving licensure ship to physios. pce or physiotherapy competency exam is the same but it is conducted by canada.
for details you can contact:
for npte-www.fsbpt.org
for pce-alliancept.org
ok then, here we go.
my topics for the day include the following:
-classification of fractures
-fracture healing (pathology and healing times)
-management of fractures- reduction, immobilsation, rehab
-complications of fracture healing
-contraindications to rehab eg, THR (remember fractures only!)
kindly add comments, suggestions, rehab ideas?!!
joint replacements
complications related to these
post op assessments
rehab issues of specific replacements
...replies appreciated
hello jess,
nice to see you again.where had you been so long. i almost lost all hope of meeting you again.
i hope even we about can continue with our group n benefit ourselves if others are not interested.
once again thanks for comming back.
jess could you please tell me about pyogenic osteomyelitis and tublercular osteomyelitis and how they constitutes to pathological fractures.
secndly explain ollier's disease and relate with fratures.
which fractures unite faster spiral or oblique and why?
effect of electrical stimulation on fractures?
jess i feel our older way of discussion is not so worth. i think we should discuss one one topic and when everybody endulged in that topic feel satisfied and get full out of it than choose another.
jess please tell what you think as ill only go with you being most regular to my group.
thanks to be there and please always be there.
hi swapnil
would be interested in joining your forum
let me know what's next
with regards
Bhuvnesh Shah
‘Osteomyelitis’ indicates inflammation of the bone caused by infective organisms.
Infection can reach the bone by the following routes:
a. Through the blood stream from a focus of infection elsewhere (Haematogenous).
b. Direct invastion from the atmospheric air as in open fractures.
c. Spread from a neighbouring focus e.g. mastoiditis from middle ear infection, osteomyelitis of mandible from dental root abscess.
Clinically pyogenic osteomylities can present as follows:
1. Acute osteomyelitis.
2. Chronic osteomyelitis.
3. Primary sub-acute osteomyelitis.
4. Acute flare up of chronic osteomyelitis.
initial focus on metaphyseal region of bone. accomplanies altered vascularisation, bone production, nutrition ect. infection starts in the medullary tissues and spreads to overlying soft tissues. (on extension to the joint can cause spetic arthritis)
destruction of underlying bone...becomes weaker...malnourished...ect...hence more prone to fractures.
to be honest i dont know about the thrid q.
often clinicians diagnose spiral fractures as oblique and vice versa. the oblique however id in one plane only....dnt know if that makes a difference in healing. let me know if you find out.
as for the rest, tublercular osteomyelitis, olliers disease...i think it'd be easier and efficient if you just google it.
right now i am under pressure to get through the workload so do not have time to 'organise' such a working group as was before.
i am happy to continue with regular topics and difficult areas to discuss daily. however simple pathological features ect i dnt think are appropriate and quite frankly i havent got the time to go over it all individually.
hence, i think difficult areas and things ppl dnt understand fully, are more appropriate and better practice, both professionally and acedemically.
ok since you've probably fugured ive post msk topice....
help/advice/suggestions with these would be appreciated please:
-desensitising techniques
-management of complex regional pain syndrome
-treatment ideas (in priority) for myofacial pain syndrome
-treament ideas for thoracic outlet syndrome
-contraindications for acl/pcl repairs i.e. avoidance activities and time lines for activity
-treament ideas, precautions for meniscal injuries...time lines??
(personally, i think this is a better way to do it and bounce ideas off eachother rather than go through specific pathologies which we can find out individually)
replies appreciated...feel free to join in
no one has really helped out with my initial queries??
hi jess
the line of treatment i know is spray with vasocoolent and stretch the muscle with trigger point (Myofacsial pain syndrom). If refractory, the point can be injected with the local anaesthetics
Myofacsial pain syndrome: triggerpoint mannual by travell and simons provides an excellent account for myofacial pain map for the individaul muscle and with position of stretch and injection technique
hi jess
the line of treatment i know is spray with vasocoolent and stretch the muscle with trigger point (Myofacsial pain syndrom). If refractory, the point can be injected with the local anaesthetics
Myofacsial pain syndrome: triggerpoint mannual by travell and simons provides an excellent account for myofacial pain map for the individaul muscles, positions for stretch and injection techniques
Bhuvnesh Shah