i passed my written component and i registered for practical exam PNE i need some tips as it is my first try and i need study partner as well.
Please help me .
I live in Toronto
do not put much time in reading whole of kisner and Magee
The Special tests in maggee r very imp but just concentrate on the ones given in RG.Also go through the pictures in maggee is very helpful since a lot of quistions r picture based!
The red sullivan is good for some reading...But i think these books shud be just taken as reference book.
Also i wud like to mention one important thing as far as ANATOMY is concerned.Please dont go bout reading all the origin insertion n stuff...u r just expected to know the rough idea frm which bone to where ,,,n nerve courses general idea.the nerve supply is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!!
Head n neck muscles :the ant neck ms not req in detail just do wats mentioned in RG n ms...trap etc.r important.
just b thorough with RG ,BB no need to go thru anat bks.
blood supply is important,nerve supply VV imp n also the dermatomes n myotomes xtremely imp.Dont feel surprised if half of ur test is based on these!!
Biomech...i just did it frm RG n BB.but ppl do read norkins.its a personal choice here....go acc to how much times left with !
KIsner...mobilisation,stretching,exs for each joint.Basically concentrate on pictures.
UVR ,SWD,IR,LASER....not used they r omitted!!
All conds in RG n BB immp for all the systems.
Dont refer to ne other bks for patho n dermat!complete waste of time!!!!!
Magee...Do the ankle, knee n hip compensatory motions tables.
gAIT.....eVEN MORE FAVOURITE!!!Do all the tables in RG n BB
"PERFECTLY WELL".vERY CONFUSING IN THE BEGINNING....but hold on to it...they can really scewr u up with this topic/...i suggest MAKE IT go thru , learn them thoroughly each day of ur prep!
X-rays: very general ones asked.go thru maggee pics to practise...dont stress much on it!
ECG:i think RG mentions ecg basic calculations in the CVS section.n'g out of it required.
CP patho ,mgmt,equipments read frm RG n BB
The terms about books are used are as following
BB (blue book)
RgReview guide by sullivan ;seigalman )
search these from, to get them.
For buying Rg refer to website below National Physical Therapy Examination Review & Study Guide 2007: Books: Susan B. O'Sullivan,Raymond P. Siegelman
and for blue book..... IER Exam Preparation Physical Therapy Course Manual 3.0: Books: Raymond Siegelman
6 week plan for NPTE
1st and 2 nd week:
Review guide(RG) and blue book (BB) reading
complete reaing both these books by end of the 2 weeks. Mark the inm stuff ,payspecial attention to the tables
Sunday: On the sunday of the 2nd week , take the 1 st practise test of the RG.
(as dilnaz mentioned do not take tension for getting a low score,ur just takin the test as a practise so that u understand the nature of the questns that are asked in the exam)
3rd week: Again read RG AND BB but this time lil more in detail, (pay attention to blood values,muscle detaiols etc which u didnt pay to earlier)
Sunday: again take the test of RG( 3rd sunday)
4th week RG N BB intense reading( being thorogh with .... tables ,nerves ,muscles actions,MMT actions, pay attention to small details .
Sunday : take another test --3rd test
5th week : RG AND BB revision
sunday: The BB TEST
6th week : revision RG and BB Rationales
best luck
most important books are for review
basic anatomy
Sullivan guide
Blue BOok
Kisner 4th edition
Red Book
Exams need to be solved:
Peat 200 questions
Micheal Dunaway 400 Ques
Sullivan guide 600 Ques
Blue book 200 Ques
Therapyed online Exam 200 Ques
Scott and Gills 800 Ques
Some exams 's CDs you can get with book
clarification regarding books and question papers
hi everybody,
let me clarify onceagain regarding the books.
1] review guide by sullivan,which is the basic guide for npte.available at site
2]blue book is the book which one can get when they attend the
INTERNATIONAL EDUCATIONAL COURSE,but this particicular course is available
only in USA.
But u can try this book in certain sites like or
and not only this u can check this book in physical therapy
where some people are ready to sell it.
:3 papers from review guide by sullivan
:1 paper from blue book
:6 papers (4 paperbased and 2 in cd) from scott.m.giles
:2 papers from theresa meyer
:2 papers from michell dunnaway
:2 online papers from peat which is available in fsbpt site
:2 online papers from
:1 IER paper online.
Similar Threads:
i passed my written component and i registered for practical exam PNE i need some tips as it is my first try and i need study partner as well.
Please help me .
I live in Toronto
Noushin Neyrizi
Congrats! on passing the exz...Could u plzz help me with the written exam. As i couldnt find any sample papers for the PCE exz....and could u tell me the books that u followed and how hard was the exz....thanx a lot
I cannot send you any question because this is not eligible but i can guide you withe books so the book i found most practical was review and study guide .
Noushin Neyrizi
if anybody has blue book pls let me know as i have to give my exam .
does anybody have the blue book and scott & giles? the blue book is nt veen available in please help.
i am a physiotherapist and i am looking forward to work in usa. please guide me that do i need to take TOEFL exam before credentials or after? one more thing i got my provisional degree with me and my origional degree will be comin next year so is that possible that i can apply for my credentials with provisional degree?? please help and for which state in usa i get more good credits plz let me know that.
M kaur
hi its amazing information that u ve provided but please let me know from where cud i purchase the following books?
1.Blue book( whats the actual name?)
2.whats IER book?
3.Micheal Dunnaway
4. Scott and gills?
5. peat?
6. red book( whats the original name or authors name ?)
Hi there
I have the review and study guide by sullivan (2006) edition and another huge book by Sullivan called physical rehabilitation. which one is blue book and which is red book. Iam so confuse. Can you clarify it please.
Thanks for your help
Hi there
I am wondering what books you studied for the exam? WOuld you tell me what I need to study for the written.
You can also purchase a practice exam on the same website where you register for the exam (it's called PEAT). I cannot post the link since I have under 5 posts so if you have trouble finding it, let me know. I found that this practice exam was a little easier than the exams that come with the Sullivan review book, as well as in the same format as the actual test.
As for studying, I relied on the Sullivan review book to find what topics I needed to read more about (from any of my PT text books or from current physical therapy journal articles).
I am apperaing for my NY npte, anyone wants to sell blue book please contact me at
Hi Really u posted very relevent , worthful matter for Physiotherapist's who r willing to apply for license. Iam preparing for Michigan license, if anyone r ready to sail blue book pl contact my email id
Hi guest.please tel me bspt is enough for license in michigan or ms in physiotherapy is required now
to make a remark on previous notes, let me tell you that you cant sell blue book. you need to take course with ier for that. and i have a question. i need to study research for physical therapy. please suggest a decent book. i am already using domholdt for that. please suggest something concise. i read domholdt and red book but i cant quiet apply concepts in the cd exams that accompanies the red book.
I want to sell my Blue Book any1 interested pls email me at
hi i have recently migrated to USA i live in Connecticut state...i have done my bspt from Pakistan...but i have come to know that my state only allow Mspt physios to take NPTE exam...i havent transferred my credits yet as i m not confirmed about the organization through which tranfer can be done. So first of All, kindly tell me whether i should transfer my credit through ICD or Fccpt...and secondly when i'll transfer my credits can i apply for NPTE in my state or what will i do.....i m so confused becoz the state i m in doesnt hav proper guiding website for foreign graduates....please guide me how to start
So u hav ur degree from Pakistan right???
Before applying for licensure first decide which state u want to work example CT,NY,MA Michigan etc.
Depending on thatt u have to go ahead.If ur applying for NewYork(NY) then u do it thru fccptThey have everything online.So first decide which state u will work.
If u need Vissa screening u need to aplply in specific type example Type I or Type II,thru fccpt
So once u knw which state u need the license for all information is online.
If u need any help Be my Guest.
All the Best
Additional Comment I forgot:
I have the blue book Pls email me on
Additional Comment I forgot:
I was just eager to know why ur saying that we cant sell the Blue book
If u do u mind to explain
Additional Comment I forgot:
I know for sure its absolutely right to sell the Blue Book.Its not mandatory to do the course if u just for getting the 2nd hand book.If u would like to put light on this,be my guest
thanks for replying my thread....i got my degree in Pakistan and then moved to USA after my marriage and i m a permanent resident now..well as i m living in CT so i have to get my license here..i want to know whether i should apply for credential evaluation at fccpt or icd which one is valid in CT because Ct gov website does nt provide proper info. So i need to know through which organization i should apply. And as i m already in USA i dont think i need to go through visa screening process. So i just need to know organization through which i should apply....thank you n reply me soon
I am plannning to give my NPTE soon... I have given two practice tests.... One that is available with IER review guide and other with IER bluebook......... I scored 65%.... when should I plan to take my exam......... what is the acceptable
Additional Comment I forgot:
I am plannning to give my NPTE soon... when should I plan to take my exam......... what is the acceptable score in practice tests..... Gave PEAT one (73%) and Scott M giles (variable)..... I have all the latest books but not sure how to go through my exam if my score is variable in these practice tests...... Also gave IER book exam....... n scored around 63%....
i see such variable scores on the practice tests. which is most accurate to take, like NPTE? any advice?
Gaikwad madam, mala tumchi book vikat ghyaichi ahe, please message kara
hie all ..thank u for all the posts..they r really informative.
im preparing for newyork npte in sep ...anyone please guide me which books to follow...anyone selling ther old books...please contact me at
Hi everyone! I am a graduate of PT in the Philippines in year 2000, but I did not work as a PT. Instead, I am currently working as a home-based MT. Due to the current situation here in the Philippines, I would like to work as a PT in other country. My dilemma is I do not know how. It has been 11 years since I graduated and my knowledge in PT is definitely rusty. What books do you think should I read first? Please help me...
plz let me know if anyone selling blue book or IER book can contact me on my emailid,