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    Recruitment Companies

    I have recently had a bad experience with a certain recruitment company and wondered if anone else has too?
    After being contacted about a job and encouraged, at my own costs, to go for a chat and look around " as the job is as good as yours" i found out that they were interviewing a number of other candidates. this is not a problem but the way in which i was encouraged to go for the job and when (not if) i got it i would be reinbursed the full amount of getting there (i had to get a flight overseas!)

    furthermore at the interview the question of salary came up and i found out that they were paying the recruitment company more than double of what the recruitment company had initially offered me. Coundnt believe it!

    I am realy wondereing:
    1. has anyone else had this type of expereince?
    2. is there a regulatory body who deals with this immoral type of activity so it doesnt happen to anyone else?
    3. or i am just being naive and this is the way they operate?
    I am happy to name and shame them so this doesnt happy to anyone else. I know they are there to make money but there was no proffesionalism, courtesy or morals. they never even contacted me to say sorry you never got it. i had to call the company myself!

    would appreciate any input


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    Re: Recruitment Companies

    Hi Gillon,
    Just seen your post. I havent dealt with any recruitment agencies as many have said that they only have band 6/7 jobs available. I contacted an agency today and received a call back. I was just wondering what agency you were dealing with? Just so I avoid the same situation!! Private message me if you like.
    Thanks alot,

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    Re: Recruitment Companies

    With such a wealth of online information about registration and working in various companies I should think that everyone should be able to get registered and seek a job without using a recruiter. Then they can be used to find the ideal job for you when you aren't necessarily looking. i.e. Value Add.

    Aussie trained Physiotherapist living and working in London, UK.
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  4. #4
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    Re: Recruitment Companies

    Advertise your physiotherapy job on Physiobob's Job
    Actually recruiting agencies have their own rules some charge applicants and some charge employers, usually in the West recruiting agencies charge an employers a percentage of the salary to be paid to the employee placed by the recruiter. The % is from 10% to 25 percent of the applicants salary, it is not to be taken from the salary. So what ever salary an applicant agrees to will be matched with what employer is offering.
    And employer agrees to pay the percentage of the salary to the recruiter, it should not be taken from the salary. So usually if you are asking for $60000 then you will get that and the recruiter will get

    whatever the % has been agreed by the employer, this burden is not on you rather on the employer.

    Then there are some recruiters who recruit applicants from other countries then if the emplyer is not paying them recruiting fee for an overseas person then recruiters ask for the fee from the applicants.

    Hope this will clarify.

    Quote Originally Posted by gillon View Post
    I have recently had a bad experience with a certain recruitment company and wondered if anone else has too?
    After being contacted about a job and encouraged, at my own costs, to go for a chat and look around " as the job is as good as yours" i found out that they were interviewing a number of other candidates. this is not a problem but the way in which i was encouraged to go for the job and when (not if) i got it i would be reinbursed the full amount of getting there (i had to get a flight overseas!)

    furthermore at the interview the question of salary came up and i found out that they were paying the recruitment company more than double of what the recruitment company had initially offered me. Coundnt believe it!

    I am realy wondereing:
    1. has anyone else had this type of expereince?
    2. is there a regulatory body who deals with this immoral type of activity so it doesnt happen to anyone else?
    3. or i am just being naive and this is the way they operate?
    I am happy to name and shame them so this doesnt happy to anyone else. I know they are there to make money but there was no proffesionalism, courtesy or morals. they never even contacted me to say sorry you never got it. i had to call the company myself!

    would appreciate any input


    ---------- Post added at 01:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:25 PM ----------

    If you are thinking of Canada then you may come to study and work together and within a year you will work as a Physiotherapist if you are other wise eligible.


    Quote Originally Posted by murphd44 View Post
    Hi Gillon,
    Just seen your post. I havent dealt with any recruitment agencies as many have said that they only have band 6/7 jobs available. I contacted an agency today and received a call back. I was just wondering what agency you were dealing with? Just so I avoid the same situation!! Private message me if you like.
    Thanks alot,

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