Hi guys
I'm a final year sports science student and i'm in the process of applying to various universities for the accelerated Physiotherapy course at masters level, to start in January/February 2010.
Does anyone have any feedback/opinions/advice on which univerisities would be best to look at in particular? I've been unable to attend any open days due to be snowed under in work at present! The entry requirements all seem very similar, asking for at least a 2:1 in a relevant study (with sports science listed as an example), however i'm on course for a 1st at present so the entry requirements shouldn't be a problem.
The universities i've looked at applying for so far are UEA, Birmingham, Southampton, Leeds,, Manchester Kings College (although this would be a September 2010 admission).
Also - most of the applications are asking for evidence of work experience in a healthcare/physiotherapy environment. Unfortunately i don't have any direct experience in this field, however with at least 6 months between finishing my undergraduate degree and hopefully beginning this course, i intend to gain some experience. Could anyone recommend how i go about finding somewhere to volunteer at? Or is it as simple as phoning around the local practices to see whats available.
Thanks a lot.
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