I am looking for information on state-of-the-arts programs designed to teach
anatomy on multimedia CDs. Any and all suggestions would greatly be
appreciated (e.g., names of programs, companies, prices, etc.).
Thank you,
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I am looking for information on state-of-the-arts programs designed to teach
anatomy on multimedia CDs. Any and all suggestions would greatly be
appreciated (e.g., names of programs, companies, prices, etc.).
Thank you,
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I thought this might help you. I get advertisments from this company once in a while. I've just copied and pasted the important part.
>>>When it comes to presentations, patient education and teaching make sure you have the right image every time with Primal Pictures' 3D Anatomy Series of CD-ROMs.
This series contains 7 titles:
Head & Neck
Shoulder (and elbow)
Hand (and wrist)
Foot & Ankle
All for only $525 (Retail price $750) plus free shipping
Price in the UK £350* (Retail price £500) Euros ?560* (Retail price ?800)
*prices exclude VAT
Choose either 7 CD-ROMs or 1 DVD-ROM containing all 7 titles.
3D images, clinical slides, animations, video clips and text are easy to export into PowerPoint or Word at the click of a mouse and with no royalty fee (for non-commercial use only).
To order your copy click here.
Type in JUN30 in the discount box and this price will show at checkout.
This offer is only available until July 15th. Please quote JUN30 with your order.
Best regards,
Catriona Kerr
Primal Pictures Ltd
>>>Hope this is what you're looking for!
Elly (3rd year PT student of International Universisty of Catalonia, Spain)