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  1. #3

    75p after four years!!!!!!!

    So, you charge £30 or less and into the fourth year of your agreement you are now allowed to charge up to 75p more! Get real.
    Maybe Bupa should advise Labour on how to run the economy.

    I AM NOT going to join this charade by BUPA. I am fortunate enough to have enough self funders not to play their game.

    This process is similar to what happened to Dentists and the NHS. And what did they do? Maybe we should let the press know that Bupa patients are going to possibly be seeing less experienced physios, for less time and in less pleasant surroundings! And whilst I am here, this is even more hilarious for our osteopath colleagues who really do know how to charge for their services

    Should have been a lawyer or merchant banker. Damn!

    Up the revolution!!!

    Last edited by physiobob; 04-04-2009 at 04:56 PM.

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