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  1. #1
    Matrix Level Physio Array
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    Equipment needed for first Physio Clinic in Samoa

    This message has been copied and pasted from an email sent to Physiobase.

    My name is Epenesa Pouesi Young and I am a physiotherapist in Samoa. I am opening the very first physiotherapy clinic in Samoa and in need for getting machines such as Ultrasound, Infrared, TENS, etc. It is very difficult to get things over to our smll country here and I am seeking help from any physiotherapist who has things that they want to get rid off, to please send them my way. Your trash can be well treasured in this island of ours to help our clinic here in Samoa.

    Thank you very much for reading this message.

    Your assistant is greatly appreciated.

    Espenesa's email contact is epenesa@samoa.ws

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  2. #2

    first Samoan clinic

    Hello, Epenesa!

    Congratulations on the new clinic! How I wish I could help you out, but I don't have the means. I will pass on your request to my colleagues, though. Why not try writing different national professional organizations for PT? That might bring your request to more people.

    Good luck!

  3. #3

    Re: first Samoan clinic

    Hi Epenesa,

    I am a physiotherapist with a private practice in Newport, NSW, Australia. My wife and a I are travelling to Samoa for 2 weeks' holiday in October (12th-26th).

    We would be happy to try to arrange to bring across anything that anyone would like to donate.

    We would also be happy to visit you while we are in Samoa if I can be of any help or just be a fellow physio to talk to about your clinic.

    My contact details for yourself or anyone who would like us to take things across from Sydney is: cmac@physiobase.com

    Best regards,
    Craig Macdonald

  4. #4

    Equipment for Samoan Clinic

    Hi Epenesa

    I have only just returned from holiday and found your request. Congratulations on your plans for a clinic in Samoa.

    I have some equipment that might suit you (depending on your needs), casualties of a closed private practice.

    Firstly I have two interferential machines and one suction unit. I would appreciate some payment for these from yourself or others, though the price is extremely negotiable and hopefully reasonable. These are all boxed in original containers and ready for shipment.

    Secondly I have a Shortwave diathermy and free-standing Hydrocollator. These I am prepared to donate, though they are both large/heavy/cumbersome, and I have no idea how well they might travel.

    I live in Tasmania so transport may be a problem, unless someone could get them as far as Sydney for Craig Macdonald to deal with as offered.

    I realise that as such I am not offering much, but it seems to me that this forum allows the possibility for everyone to offer a little each, to enable you to get your equipment.

    Good luck,
    Grahame Knox

  5. #5

    Contacting Polynesian Airlines

    Hi Epenesa & Graham,
    I have written to Polynesian Airlines to see if they can help us to get the equip from Tasmania to Sydney if Epe would like to take up your kind offer and the two of you can work out a price. (If you haven't heard back from Epenesa I suggest you e-mail her with the same details)
    Graham I tried to guess your e-mail at physiobase to cc you on the e-mail I sent to the airline. However, I was wrong. Could you please let me know a contact e-mail in case anything comes off with Polynesian? We have a pretty tight time frame I'm afraid. I'm sorry I only saw your post today.
    My e-mail is on the above post.
    Warm regards,
    Craig Macdonald

  6. #6
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    Re: Contacting Polynesian Airlines

    I have emailed Espensa directly and have asked her to reply on the forum so that everyone can understand if their is an actual correspondance going on. I do know from a previous direct email that she is aware of the offer so perhaps there is some direct emailing going on. Thanks everyone for their support of this new clinic. It is great to see the forum assisting in this way,

  7. #7

    Polynesian airlines can't help from Tassie

    Hi all,
    sorry to say we received a reply from Polynesian Airlines saying they couldn't help with freight from Tassie since they do not have links with any of the providers in that sector.
    Is there anyone travelling between Tassie and Sydney in the next two weeks?
    Craig Macdonald

  8. #8

    Used Physiotherapy Equipments

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your time and the great suggestion for me. I apologize for the long delay in replying back but I am away from Samoa right now and was very hard to get to an internet service until now.

    Again thanks very much and please keep in touch. I would really appreciate if you can give me your email so that we can share information on the progress of this clinic.

    Your interest and concern is greatly appreciated.



  9. #9

    Thank you for all your help

    I want to express my sincere and heartfelt thanks to you all my physiotherapy friends through Physiobase.com who have taken a few minutes of your precious time to read my request and replied here on the ezboard. Some of you have been so kind to contact me directly and I am amazed with the great response and especially the willingness to help in any way.

    I would like thank specially to Grahame Knox of Tasmania for the kind offer and efforts to see this happen. I am in Australia right now and will be returning to Syndey this coming Wednesday Oct 5th. Im hoping I will have more access to a computer in the next few days so that things can be more organised from my end. I will try and find help still for these equipments to be transported over to Samoa if your offer still stands.

    Also,thanks and great appreciation to Craig Macdonald and his wife for your eagerness to get some things together for this clinic. I will be looking forward to seeing you in Samoa next month so please if you dont mind,send me an email and let me know when this will happen.

    Although I am alone in Samoa in the process of setting up this private clinic, I feel so at home knowing that I have physiotherapy friends all around the globe that I can seek their assistance and be comfortable to know that there will always be someone who will be willing to give me advice or help in anyway.

    Again,Thank You Very Much.


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