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    Thumbs up Intelligent Vibration Training, with EMG use

    Intelligent Vibration Training: The NEMES BOSCO SYSTEM

    Vibration training is the latest scientific training approach for enhancing performance and speeding up recovery and rehabilitation. The method has been successfully applied by numerous national teams, professional athletes and sport clubs (NBA, FIFA, NFL, Track and Field, Volley, Tennis, etc) rehabilitation centers, health clubs and sports enthusiasts worldwide.

    The use of vibrations in an athletic or physio setting offers new possibilities to coaching science (improve strength, power, speed) and rehabilitation by speeding-up recovery.

    Resistance training effectiveness has been demonstrated due to the possibility of enhancing neuromuscular performance, power output, strength and hormonal profile. However, the time needed for these adaptations to occur is relatively long as compared to the possibilities offered by vibration treatments. It should be recognised however, that vibrations need to be viewed not as a substitute tool of resistance exercise, but as a valid additional means to be implemented in a training routine in association with all the other traditional methodologies nowadays utilised.

    Without a doubt vibration training is an interesting and exciting tool of sports science and medical applications (see also PubMed Home

    Today someone can find in the market numerous vibration training platforms. Every one of them is the "best" machine money can buy. However, after doing a carefull research and having in mind what science has to say regarding the physiology of vibration training, I have come to the conclusion that after all NOT ALL MACHINES OUT THERE ARE THE SAME .

    Trully speaking its hard to see differences and easily someone can become a marketing victim loosing the facts. Scientific facts.

    So I did my pick:

    NEMES is the acronym of NEuro-muscular MEchanical Stimulation, a training method invented by the Italian Prof. Carmelo Bosco, who was a leading scientist in sports physiology and vibration training. The method focuses on the maximization of stimuli to the neuromuscular system and bones carefully dosed for each individual.

    Prof. Bosco was the first scientist to prove to expose that every person has his own muscle frequency. NEMES-BOSCO is the most advanced and revolutionary training system for sports and health to-date, because it is designed to vibrate at the individually measured frequencies (Hz) of its users. This is accomplished through the internationally patented built-in electromyograph (EMG) measuring system. The simple test (40sec) will find the exact vibration training frequency of the user.

    Safety against possible side effects caused from vibrations is eliminated and effectiveness of this training and rehabilitation methodology is utmost when the user is training at his own measured unique training frequency.

    The benefits from Whole Body Vibration applications under these circumstances are impressive and worth to make a deeper research if we can help our patients with it.

    I found also the following e-mail address for anyone who's interested to find out more info@bosco-system.com

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