Hello! I thought some of you might be interested in something I'm selling!![]()
I bought a set of Sports Taping DVD's from Clinics in Motion a while back and am selling them as I never use them! I'm also including a Sports Taping Starter Pack that I've never used either! Here is the link to my advert on ebay:
Sports Taping DVD's and Sports Taping Kit on eBay, also, DVDs, DVD, Film TV (end time 09-Sep-08 20:15:01 BST)
They are really excellent and include tons of demos on taping techniques for the upper and lower limbs and include:
DVD 1: The Upper Limb
Shoulder Joint
Elbow Joint
Wrist Joint
Fingers and Thumb
Trunk and Spine
DVD 2: The Lower Limb
Ankle Joint
Knee Joint
Lower Leg/Thigh
Hip Joint/Groin
Foot and Toes
Both DVD's focus on the rationale for taping, aims of the taping technique, demonstration of how to do each technique, precuations and functional tests to check the quality of each taping techniqe. They are really excellent quality and feature Clinics in Motions trademark Multi-Angle Vision technology so you can watch the technique from various angles, making it much easier to follow.
If you are into sports physio then they are ideal as you can watch them over and over again (rather than going on a 1 day course!).
The taping kit is also really comprehensive and easy to carry about.
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