I have car accident on 23 December I have been diagnoses post RTA with a fractured distal end of radius and they at the hospital the put plaster to 1 of February after that I have limited movement of my hand and my thump and pain increasing everyday’s then I went other hospital after seeing my X ray they said I have paramount damage to my wrist because they were should using K wire instead of just plaster.
The last thing I have been told “On future you may need surgery but now just Physiotherapy “
The main hospital that I have been treated in keep says "You do not need anything just Physiotherapy for five or six weeks and your hand be normal". Is this true?
I have included my X ray on 23 December and 9th February.
Direct link to my X ray Right click and save target as
from 23 December 2008
and 9th February 2009
Showing my current hand movement
Now - Is it really that after Physiotherapy I will restore my fully hand movement ?
Is it real that I just need Physiotherapy ?
I can fell my Ulna moving aginst other bone and like click sound from my wrist is this OK? After Physiotherapy the pain increased and I feel heat from my wrist all time, Is this normal ?
Is my hand have deformity or malunion ?
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