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    Question Groin / Quadracep Injury and Leg Pain -Need Advice ?


    I have been running for some time- and my usual weekly routine is about 20-25 miles/week.

    I am experiencing this inner/mid upper right leg muscle pain for about a week. I thought it would work itself out and continued to run, however, run/walk/run/walk..and did some stretching , but the soreness/pain remains and I don't want to push it. I tried some adductor muscle stretching, however, I am not sure it is groin pain and it seem more in the upper mid region of leg.. Do you think it could be pulled quadriceps? I have some pain going up/down stairs. If I place all my weight on the right leg. I can almost point to area of mid upper leg where it seems to be.
    Since I am able to walk and run with some pain, I figure this isn't too serious and will work itself out.

    I have cut down my runs and been stretching more with hope this "groin/quad/hip" pain would go as it came. I tried to do a 3 mile run last evening, but the pain remains. As I run more the pain seems to be less ? If I sit, there is no pain. if I put all my weight on the right leg, I feel some mild pain.

    I am registered for some 5Ks in the next months, however...I don't know whether I should push it. I am doing some mild stretches and hope it works its way out.

    Anyone experience this or have any suggestions for getting myself back ?

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    Re: Groin / Quadracep Injury and Leg Pain -Need Advice ?


    I haven't run in two days. Tonight I went to the gym and did a slower run and the pain was minimal and seemed to be less as I kept running ? I completed 3.1 miles with minimal discomfort. Let's see what tomorrow brings.

    What does this sound like to you ? (groin pull, quad pull, overuse injury, ALL the above )

    I would appreciate your thoughts on this? Thanks.

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    Re: Groin / Quadracep Injury and Leg Pain -Need Advice ?

    My first thoughts:

    I believe at the rate of your running, and the insidious type of onset there is some form of muscular imbalance going on.

    Studies in hockey players for example, discovered that 10% of all sporting injuries in this group occur at the groin. The reason being the imbalance that occurs with the type of force push-off, and imbalances that occur.

    If one took an EMG of all the muscles around your hip and legs during running, it would become very apparent that some muscles are firing more rapidly than others. (this is not a common test btw)

    What does the body do? Some parts tighten/spasm, or improper or unusual glide of muscle groups and muscle fascia occur.

    Of course, this may not be the case at all, but I would get it checked out,

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