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I had a similar problem just over 12 months ago. I am a forefoot runner and would experience the same symptoms. The most confusing was definatly the pain when compressing the peroneii, initally the pain would spread along the nerve, settle and when compression was released the pain would return. I tried neural mobs, stretching, strengthning of soleus/gastroc etc to no effect.
However I did find that basic core stability with glute med and max strengthening completely erradicated the symptoms... Not 100% sure why this happened but i did find initially my symptoms were agrovated running on uneven terrains. Possibly eccess tibial rotation put the peroneal tendon on a stretch compressing the nerve underneath?
Either way, i personally found strengthening myofasicial slings, particularily the longitudinal sling seemed to erradicate my problems... Your patient runs accross mixed terrains... maybe their hip control?