I 'm a Pilates instructor and would like to do a pysiotherapy course..do you have any name? because i live in Asia i am looking for a long distance course.. in advance , thank you!
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I 'm a Pilates instructor and would like to do a pysiotherapy course..do you have any name? because i live in Asia i am looking for a long distance course.. in advance , thank you!
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Would you like to try online courses? I think I saw courses given in Washington University and Jones Online University. You can also try search engines on the topic "distance education".
Physiobase in patnership with a program called LEO may soon be offering physiotherapy by correspondance courses in Taiwan and Bangladesh. Does anyone feel they would also like a correspondance course that can convert a diploma course into a bachelors degree? The initial market for this development is in Germany.
Hi there, does anyone know the best way to get into physio in the uk? I have a BA Hons degree in humanities (totally unrelated, i know) However after a lifetime of sports and numerous physios sessions on multiple injuries, curiosity is finally getting the better of me. It had been suggested that perhaps studying to be a sports therapist would be the best option for me at the moment...what are the career opportunities for this (esp in the NHS?)? Sorry to ask so many questions, I guess I'm just quite excited! Thanks
Currently Sports therapy there are not many jobs especially with the NHS most sports therpist work in sports injury clinics along side physio's or start their own clinics. The only plus of a Sports therapy course is that its 3 years long and if you get a 2.1 or first at the end and theres a strong chance of doing a masters in Physio
Thanks Robsmith1234. I think it is defo something I should look into. Of course as a mature student, funding will be the deal breaker for me! Thanks for the advice.
Hi i am due to finish my degree in sports therapy in May this year, at the minute there are little job opportunities but a lecture from Professor Graeme Smith (Society of Sports Therapists) given just a month ago stated that by time the London 2012 olympics arrives our course like Physiotherapy will be HPC registered (the legislation has been passed, so will definately be coming into action) society of sports therapy website. Although we do not have the respiratory side of knowledge we will be able to carry out many jobs a physio can.
Good Luck
How can a basic course as a physio therapist or even sports therapy effectively be done as a distance learning course - surely the main element of a course like this is the hands on experience learning which surely must be very difficult to gain without feedback and human contact?
To the initial post, physiotherapy by distance education can cover the theoretical aspects but i do not believe that you can ever replace hands on experience under guidance from a tutor.
That is why you can do courses like a MBA, law, history etc etc by correspondence but hands on professions like medicine, physio, massage etc involve hands on work under supervision.
Which would you rather to build your home... a builder who has a masters in construction but never actually built a house or a builder who doesn't have anything other than the fact that he has built houses with his father for 20 years (no doubt since he was 12 years old). I know what i would rather!
If i were you, i would choose the course that had the best supervision, the best hands-on practicals and yet allowed you to do the theory off campus - that way you only have to travel for those blocks of practicals etc.
i do not know of any undergrad courses like that but for those of you who are physios already, the University of Western Australia has a Masters in Manual Therapy that allows you to do just that - the clinical is a 12 week very intensive programme on campus.
Like I said before, if you are disciplined, the online course is the way to go!
Good Luck!!!
I was taking this option in to consideration and I heard from some friend that they did pretty with distance learning. People like me who are busy with their jobs and haven’t much time, distance learning help them a lot. Many online universities and colleges now offering online courses and you can find out your required program by adding zip code or course title simply.
How can a course as a physio therapist is through distance education?
Indeed. Unfortunately for the educators and for the authorities who will have to decide if these qualifications are genuine, there is no way to ensure that the person who is submitting assignments is the one who is doing the work.
How would you feel if you knew that someone who could potentially cause serious injury including death, stroke, fracture, paralysis, muscle and nerve damage, joint damage, crippling injury etc had no clinical experience supervised by a qualified physio?
I think if physio was simple, you could do distance education BUT it is not.
howardwhite, you seem to be promoting a website for online education so i would suggest you have some bias in your comments.
The fact remains that physio is a hands on profession in which you need hands-on experience and guidance to learn.
The classic example is core-stability. How many people have heard of the "core" and "transversus adominis"? yet most physios i know who are good physios still get it wrong when assessed on real-time U/S. We know theoretically what to do but when it comes to doing it - and we have lots of knowledge about how - the bottom line is that you need someone who knows how to show you and how to achieve the contraction.
why are we promoting online education of physiotherapy? the degree in itself is for theory and practical...that alone tells you online long distance learning of physiotherapy will not work...half baked therapists will be made, clients will suffer, the whole profession will be in jeorpardy, nothing can replace your clinical rotations, please for the pilates instructor find a university and attend the course like other physiotherapists, if you do the online route you will only regret as it will take you ages to catch up if ever with the rest in real practice, thats if you havent caused someone harm by then.