ok - so about a year ago i took up playing hacky sack (footbag) on a reasonably regular basis (about an hour or two a day). After around a month of playing, a slight pain started to build up in my right (main leg) top inner-thigh as a result of lifting my knee up and down. The pain was bearable for about 30 minuites after it started - but it constantly grew until i would have to stop playing. For the rest of the day that pain would return when walking, running, walking up stairs etc... but the next morning it would be fine again - this kept happening until i couldnt be bothered anymore and quit playing hacky sack with my friends. I recently took up playing again and guess what - the exact same pain returned. I've tried every kind of pre-stretch and warm up that i can think of but nothing seems to help - if tried afterwards it makes it even worse.

Any help relating to this would be much appreciated

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