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    Unhappy Thigh Pain - caused by playing hacky sack

    ok - so about a year ago i took up playing hacky sack (footbag) on a reasonably regular basis (about an hour or two a day). After around a month of playing, a slight pain started to build up in my right (main leg) top inner-thigh as a result of lifting my knee up and down. The pain was bearable for about 30 minuites after it started - but it constantly grew until i would have to stop playing. For the rest of the day that pain would return when walking, running, walking up stairs etc... but the next morning it would be fine again - this kept happening until i couldnt be bothered anymore and quit playing hacky sack with my friends. I recently took up playing again and guess what - the exact same pain returned. I've tried every kind of pre-stretch and warm up that i can think of but nothing seems to help - if tried afterwards it makes it even worse.

    Any help relating to this would be much appreciated

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    Re: Thigh Pain - caused by playing hacky sack

    without knowing age and or other other factors one would assume is an overuse issue. Could you elaborate on age, possible previous injury, conditions like swelling, and if the pain ever goes away completely?

    * im not going to say for certain, infact... diagnosis, is way past scope of knowledge, but based on what you are explaining and what i have seen in the fitness field i would look within the hip. (especially if the pain is long lasting and never seems to go away completely)

    lets hope its just its muscle fatigue related and eventually it will go away on its own.(perhaps try ice and or heat minimize swelling/enhance circulation for healing sake). but... it should be a consideration that your hip flexion/external/internal rotation action is causing some sort of premature hip wear. especially if we are aging and have been replicating that action for a long time before your new found hobby. (think about any sports, sitting posture, leisure hobbys ect.

    you will prolly get a good idea on whats going on as more people suggest thngs to test for, but let me be the first to tell you if it doesn't go away and the PAIN continue to get worse "go see ur doctor"

    nick k

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    Re: Thigh Pain - caused by playing hacky sack

    Hey Nick, thanks for the fast reply

    I'm currently 18 but it started last year when i was 17 - i'm pretty sure i've stopped growing... The pain completely subsides if i stop using it for around a day but returns if i overuse (play hacky) it again. Also worth noting is a similar, but not exact pain has started to form in my left inner upper thigh from snowboarding - any movement that involves lifting my leg (popping over jumps etc..) sends a short shooting pain followed by a throb. Again around after a day or two of rest it returns to normal. It seems only harsh strain causes both legs to play up again. There is no visible sign of injury - no swelling, redness etc. So i guess something must be being overstretched


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    Re: Thigh Pain - caused by playing hacky sack

    well at 18, osteoarthritis is prolly not the the cause of your pain. i would say ur a bit young still and dont really have to worry about that... yet

    secondly ur still growing. maybe not in height... but ur still in a Growth State. (just look at the physique changes from 18-30 year olds) i would suggest:"if ya got pain, don't do it!..." some great words of wisdom to live by. But seriously i suggest taking some time away from the stuff thats bothering that problem area. the body is pretty good about handeling minor injury on its own. A bit of rest a bit and perhaps another active way to kill time is best plan of attack. if several weeks go by and nothing seems to get better, then seek legit medical advice.

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    Re: Thigh Pain - caused by playing hacky sack

    have your hip flexors and extensors looked at for any imbalance.
    also take a look into your internal and external rotators for imbalance as well.
    Trigger Points in an overworked muscle could also be a culprit, they may be lying dormant then reactivating with the activity.

    Obviously don't do this yourself but find a qualified practitioner who can.


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