five days ago i injured my knee.i felt with both of my knees in flexion and i twisted my left knee. there was alot of pain but i could walk 200m to the house.there was no swellin till the next day.i feel pain on the medial condyle of the femur.2 days i couldnt put weight on it. since then i hold it in extension in an orthosis.i can flex it and extend it with little pain on the medial condyle. the pain gets worst when i etend the leg. on the x rays there was no sign of fracture.the drawer test was positive in both legs eventhou i didnt injured my right leg. much more evident on the left foot the doctor suggested to do anmri to put a diagnosis. he just said possible acl and mcl tear.i didnt do the mri yet, the knee is much better just a liitle swelling on the medial part of the knee. i have full active range of motion with little pain at the beggining of flexion and at the ending of the pretty sure that there is a lession on my mcl i just wanna ask about the acl injury. if there is also an acl tear i should have felt other symptoms or no? ty
p.s. i used to be a profesional soccer player and in last 10 years i played amateur for like 2 times a week. i also have a little genu varum on both knees. and when i was like 17 i had an oepration for Osgood-Schlatter diseaseon the same knee.ty
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